Working as creative lead for several years for Kelloggs nordic. I have worked with everything from launch of new brands, Packaging design, Activations & Promotion campaign, Digital campaigns, iOS App design, Brand campaigns, Brand strategy, purpose campaigns, In-store campaign.
Here is a small selection of projects that I have worked on over the years.

Packaging design and campaign key visual for a new All-Bran line extension called Golden Crunch
Headline: Crispy news with a high fiber content

Activation campaign to broaden the use of All-Bran. We created a book of recipes where every recipes has All-Bran as an ingredient. We distributed the book as printed book, PDF and website.
Headline: Use All-Bran to more than breakfast

Did a ton of print ads, here are two

Kellogg's Squares is a Chocolate bar with a young target.
Activation campaign for Scandinavian launch.

Special K
Every year Kellogg’s donates money for every sold pack of Special K, to Rosa Bandet - the Swedish breast cancer campaign. That has turned in to many millions over the years. Building on the success already established Kellogg’s wanted to help even more.
20 Swedish women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day. Despite that we found out that more than 50% of all women in Sweden never examine their breasts. Knowing that the earlier breast cancer is detected, the better odds for survival, there was a lot of room for improvement and lots of lives to be saved.

We turned the 8th of every month into Swedish national breast self-exam day. Then we created an app that not only reminded women to examine their breasts on the 8th of every month, but also showed them how to do it.

Then we created an app that not only reminded women to examine their breasts on the 8th of every month, but also showed them how to do it.

Result ended with more than 2000 women downloaded the app during the campaign. And if we helped save just one life it is worth more than any donation.

Cornflakes - Legoland
Promotion activation for Kellogg's Cornflakes. The pivot of the campaign was that you could get a free ticket to Legoland. Campaign was executed on Outdoor, Print, near store and in-store.

Cornflakes design
New packaging design. part of a longer design process that started out with focus group interview and then proceeded to a workshop. Brief: Look n feel should emphasize more food appeal

Kellogg's sponsored local soccer team and wanted to communicate it in local media. campaign was executed on print ads.
Headline: A great start to the game